"My dream job: I always wanted to be a teacher, probably because I looked up to my own teachers so much. In my role, and throughout my career, I've always put a heavy emphasis on training and development with my team(s). I take every opportunity to both share my experience and learn from others – so perhaps the dream did come true."
Lori Hoinkes
Managing Director Montgomery Events
What is your favorite 90's song?
"For me it's probably Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Sprit – released when I was just 19 – the raw emotion, frustration and energy really resonated, and when it was played in the clubs in the early 90s it got everyone moshing."
If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be?
In our industry, I'd invite Ruth Carter – she really inspires me, and she's also great fun – I think we'd give a great presentation about something.
Imagine you are famous, who would you be?
If I could magically be someone famous – I'd go for someone who is using their fame and fortune to make a real difference – so it'd be Melinda Gates.
Who inspired you the most in your life and how?
"There has never been one consistent person – at different stages of my life and career it has shifted – but it's generally been that leader you work with or around who is a strong role model. I've also been heavily influenced by negative examples of leadership – they inspire me to be better and not do what they do."