Emma Barrett

Emma Barrett

Managing Director Broadway Events

Emma Barrett is the managing director of the award winning Broadway Events. The company creates valuable trade exhibitions and conferences with a highly professional and friendly approach that are always blended with fun. Their creative ideas and innovative approach ensures sensational events that inspire and engage.


Broadway Events was established in 2009 and have since then become a recognised name in the exhibition industry.

The company is known for being the owners and organisers of Childcare & Education Expo’s three national exhibitions for the early years and primary sector. Care Roadshows are regional events for the care industry and is set to celebrate it’s 10th year of success in 2020. In 2017, Broadway Events launched their first conference, Future of Care, for C-Level execs in the care sector.


Their dynamic and dedicated team ensure each exhibitor and visitor is supported and every detail is covered to create effortless events that shine.

Emma Barrett

"My dream job when I was a child was to become a pilot so I could travel to all the wonderful places in the world."

Emma Barrett
Managing Director Broadway Events

What is your favorite 90's song?

Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be?

Steve Jobs – it would be amazing to get insights from his mind.

Imagine you are famous, who would you be?

Oprah Winfrey, she is courageous and brilliant.

Who inspired you the most in your life and how?

"My mum because of her work ethic, she made me realise that you can do anything as long as you work hard!"