Liz Agostini

Liz Agostini

Director of Mash Media Group and Head of the Conference Portfolio

Liz is a Director of Mash Media Group and Head of the Conference Portfolio which comprises International Confex and Conference News magazine.


With over 20 years’ experience in events, working in a wide range of roles has allowed Liz to view the industry from every angle.


On the Board at Mash Media since 2011, Liz has run all of Mash’s key products at some point including International Confex, Event Production Show, Exhibition News, Conference News, Conference & Meetings World and Exhibition World.  In addition she has launched several products which are flourishing in the conference portfolio including the CN Agency Awards, Association Event Network magazine, The Academic Venue Awards and the Smart Venue Summit amongst others.


Like so many that have fallen into the world of events, Liz is now hooked for life and passionate about the continued growth and development of International Confex and Conference News.


To serve, support, educate and inspire every member of our fantastic industry through Mash channels is Liz’s number one goal.

Liz Agostini

" When I was a kid I did a bit of figure skating and had the most fabulous skating dress that my mum had made me – pink with little white daisies around the hem and sleeves. Nowadays I'm more like Bambi on ice!"

Liz Agostini
Director of Mash Media Group and Head of the Conference Portfolio

What is your favorite 90's song?

Seal – Crazy. Still the most fantastic sing-along in the car, love the sentiment behind the lyrics and Seal is an absolute genius.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be?

Alastair Campbell. I was lucky enough to spend a bit of time with him when he came and spoke at Confex in 2019. I realise he's not everybody's bag but I found him completely charming – highly intelligent, self-deprecating, funny and a great speaker.

Imagine you are famous, who would you be?

I'd be Pink. I'd love to be able to belt out a good tune and her voice combined with her athleticism and the acrobatics she performs on stage are phenomenal! She's outrageous, outspoken and unafraid (and those abs!!!)

Who inspired you the most in your life and how?

It would probably be my Dad. He was the archetypal Yorkshire man and drummed into me that you 'don't get owt for nowt' (translated as anything for nothing!) He also taught me pragmatism and resilience and the ability to deal with setbacks – don't dwell on them, just dust yourself off and get on with it, as well as a real love for life.